Breaking Chains of Sorrow: After 19 Long Years, Dog Finally Tastes Freedom, Evoking Tears of Joy and Heartache

A poor dog got his first taste of freedom after an entire life chained up outside. When Takis of Takis Shelter in Greece visited the dog’s owner he was told the dog is 19 years old. “He said that he remembers very well that he had him as a puppy from April 2004, so the dog is really 19 years old,” Takis wrote on his YouTube channel in February of 2023.

The seasoned dog rescuer continued, “I asked the owner if the poor dog was ever free and the answer was that he was free only a few times when he escaped from the chain, maybe 2 or 3 times. The dog is in a shocking condition so close to die and I took him with me to die in my shelter and not in a chain.”

Watch the video:

Elvis, as Takis named him, was eating dry food for cats and not enough of it based on his skinny frame. He was so frail and thin and when he first arrived at the shelter, he didn’t have the strength in his hind legs to walk – they had atrophied because he had not been free to walk. But he was instantly curious about the other dogs and wanted to say hello to them. Takis noticed that none of the dogs barked when they first met Elvis – maybe this is a huge sign of respect for the elderly gentleman?

At first Elvis didn’t know how to walk straight. But he wanted to get out and enjoy his freedom and roam about. The shelter workers helped him get around with a harness and Takis “took him under his wing.” Takis wanted to bring Elvis “back to life”. Takis noted that Elvis has a really strong in spirit because even though he has no muscles, he wants to walk for hours and he has a hearty appetite.

Every day since arriving at Takis Shelter, Elvis improves. “It’s so amazing all the dogs are nice to him,” Takis said in a later video.

A month later, Elvis is doing much better from when he first came in (when, honestly, he was close to dying).

Now Elvis can walk on his own and he is eager to get out every day to visit with the other dogs. He waits by the door of his kennel every morning for Takis to let him out.

He is also able to walk straighter (his back legs having strengthened) and is enjoying his freedom now.

He also has soft blankets to sleep on, free from the weight of the chain.

Viewers find it hard to comprehend that Elvis spent two decades chained. One viewer wrote, “My heart is broken for this poor boy… Tears just flowing uncontrollably. So many years of suffering. Hind legs under developed. Thank you Takis… He is in good hands now.”

Another viewer wrote, “I cannot believe he survived so long in such poor conditions. It’s an absolute miracle. I hope he can spend the rest of his days in comfort and peace. Thanks for all you do Takis. You’re a miracle worker.”


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