Bison Heroes: Yellowstone Herd Joins Forces to Save Pronghorn Fawn from Lone Wolf, Demonstrating Compassionate Unity in the Wild

Among the 3,468 square miles of Yellowstone National Park, it’s hard to even imagine everything that goes on amongst the wildlife out there.

However, lucky for us, we’re blessed with a number of videos taken by either the park or tourists, giving us all a glimpse of the natural beauty, and often times, not so pretty, aspects of the park. In the latest edition of wild Yellowstone videos, a tourist shot a video of a black wolf chasing a baby pronghorn in Lamar Valley, Yellowstone, from their car.

The caption of the video reads:

“A black wolf chases a baby pronghorn in Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park. The mother pronghorn helps protect the baby by trying to distract and make the wolf chase her instead. Even the bison try to help the baby pronghorn by blocking the wolf’s path.

The baby pronghorn was able to escape the wolf by using its amazing speed and endurance. Handheld video was taken from inside our car.

We were towing our trailer on our way to our campsite for the evening and were not prepared for this incredible sight!”

The mother pronghorn, which can quite easily outrun the lone wolf, tries to distract the savage killer from its pursuit of her baby. Pronghorn are the fastest North American land mammal, with a top speed of about 55 miles per hour.

However, they can sustain speeds of about 30 miles per hour for over 20 miles. Needless to say, it’s no surprise why mom was trying to get the focus on her. Of course, the wolf is smarter than that…

But then, the bison herd appears to get involved, seemingly trying to cut off the wolf from its attack. They don’t offer much help, but the young pronghorn seems to actually be doing fine on its own.

And while it’s rare to see a wolf hunt on its own like this, as they typically hunt in packs, we don’t know the outcome of this hunt. Did the little fella make it? Did more wolves join the hunt? Did the wolf get stomped by a bison?

Who knows…  what we do know, Yellowstone National Park is always down for something cool.