Unsung Canine Hero: Mom Shares How Henry, Her Loyal Dog, Saved Her Baby Daughter’s Life by Alerting Parents to the Child’s Breathing Emergency

A mother has revealed how her ‘hero’ dog saved her baby’s life by breaking into her nursery when the pet realized that she had stopped breathing.

Kelly Andrew, an author from Boston, explained that her young daughter wasn’t feeling well, and their Boston Terrier, Henry, was very concerned.

He kept pushing the nursery’s door open with his head so that he could check on the little girl – and his move ultimately saved her life.

The writer said she began to get ‘fed up’ with Henry’s antics, since the baby was trying to sleep and he kept waking her up. But Henry could tell something was wrong and he kept persisting.

At one point, when she went to get Henry out of the room, she noticed that the baby had stopped breathing – and was turning ‘blue.’

She and her husband, Jeff, rushed her to the hospital, where doctors were thankfully able to clear out the baby’s airways.

‘Last night the dog kept breaking into the nursery and waking the baby. She’s been sick, and I was getting so fed up with him,’ the mom-of-two explained on Twitter.

‘Until she stopped breathing. We spent the night in the hospital. I don’t know what would have happened if he hadn’t woken her. We don’t deserve dogs.’

A mother has revealed how her ‘hero’ dog saved her baby’s life by breaking into her nursery when the pet realized that she had stopped breathing

Kelly Andrew, an author from Boston, explained that her young daughter wasn’t feeling well, and their Boston Terrier, Henry, was very concerned

He kept pushing the nursery’s door open with his head so that he could check on the little girl – and his move ultimately saved her life

At one point, when she went to get Henry out of the room, she noticed that the baby had stopped breathing – and was turning ‘blue’

The writer said she began to get ‘fed up’ with Henry’s antics, since the baby was trying to sleep and he kept waking her up. But Henry could tell something was wrong and he kept persisting

She and her husband, Jeff, rushed her to the hospital, where doctors were thankfully able to clear out the baby’s airways