UFO Sighting Mystery Unfolds Outside Harry and Meghan’s Mansion – NASA Releases Startling Information

A flying saucer was allegedly spotted hovering near Harry and Meghan’s $14 million mansion outside Los Angeles.

A mysterious circular object was seen in the mountains overlooking Cachuma Lake, in Santa Barbara County, about 25 miles from the couple’s home.

Unidentified Flying Object hunter Tony Moreno saw the disc-like object on Google Earth.

The eight-meter-wide circular object had strange writing on it and appeared to cast a shadow on the ground.

The former royals purchased the nine-bedroom, 16-bathroom mansion 18,000-square-foot modern home in Montecito during the summer of 2021.

The area has been visited by curious unidentified objects before.

A mysterious eight-meter-wide circular object was seen in the Santa Barbara County mountains, about 25 miles from the former royals’ home.Jam Press

The disc-like object was spotted on Google Maps by UFO hunter Tony Moreno.Jam Press

Twenty-nine curious unidentified objects were reported to the Mutual UFO Network between November 2000 and December 2018, according to the Santa Barbra Independent.Jam Press

The Mutual UFO Network lists 29 UFO or unidentified submerged object sightings between November 2000 and December 2018 in Santa Barbara, according to the Independent.

The recent sightings near the former royals’ mansion came as NASA held its first-ever public meeting on the mysterious aircraft.

On Wednesday, officials said only a tiny fraction of the hundreds of UFO sightings reported over the past three decades were actually unexplainable.

Of the 800 sightings reported to the Department of Defense over the past 27 years, just 2% to 5% were “possibly really anomalous” — a term used to define “events in the sky that cannot be identified,” said Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the department’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, which investigates UFOs.

Overall, roughly 50 to 100 cases of the flying objects were reported each month but most “demonstrate mundane characteristics of readily explainable sources,” he told the NASA task force.

Kirkpatrick also unveiled some “recently declassified trends” in UFO sightings at the groundbreaking meeting, which came nearly a year after NASA launched a study into the unexplained phenomena.

NASA officially joined the hunt for UFOs after a groundbreaking UFO Congress hearing last spring.