The sighting of a mysterious giant UFO orb, rapidly traversing the UK skies, has ignited a flurry of intrigue and unanswered questions among observers and enthusiasts

Several residents in Glasgow reported “incredible” sightings of what appeared to be a type of UFO flying across the sky.

A mysterious flying object was spotted in Glasgow (Image: Tiktok/jayceeowbackup)

A huge unidentified flying object (UFO) spotted soaring through the skies above the UK has astonished onlookers. A 21-second clip uploaded by TikTok user jayceeowbackup shows a bright orb flying in the sky.

Despite first thinking it was a meteor, to people’s surprise, the bright ball is then seen changing colour.

Several residents in Glasgow reported “incredible” sightings of what appeared to be a type of UFO flying across the sky.

The user wrote: “It changes colours and made no sound as it flew by. Many people think it’s just a meteorite. But as more videos were released of it glowing in different colours, many started to believe it might have been a UFO.”

According to the video, this unidentified object exhibited peculiar characteristics, including changing colours as it traversed the sky, without making a sound.

More videos capturing the object’s movements and its ability to glow in various colors surfaced.

A growing number of then people started to consider the possibility that what they were observing might indeed be a UFO.

One user commented on the post: “Meteorites can be blue, green, red, orange, titanium nearly anything.”

A second user said: “It’s the aptimus and the autobots.”