The Inspiring Story of a Blind and Terrified Three-Year-Old Pit Bull Finding a Second Chance at Love After Being Abandoned on a Park Bench

A blind pit bull who was abandoned on a park bench has been rescued and is ‘thriving’ says her rescuer.

The three-year-old pit bull, who was discovered shuddering on a wet and cold park bench in Santa Maria, California, in early October was ‘blind and terrified’ and ‘too scared to even get off the bench.’

She was found by an animal control officer who brought her to the city pound.

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Poly, found shivering and alone on a park bench, was dumped shortly after she gave birth

Poly was blind in both eyes – and also may have a congenital heart condition, according to her rescuer

Her situation seemed dire until fate stepped in and she came to the attention of a woman who was scrolling through her Facebook feed.

The kind-hearted woman, Jennifer Wales, who runs her own rescue out of Los Angeles and has been saving homeless animals for 25 years, couldn’t resist the blind pooch’s sad face.

Wales said that the dog ‘reminded me so much of another dog that changed my life, who was also a blind pit bull,’ according to ABC News.

Wales calls the pooch a ‘Pibble’ – another term for American Pit Bull Terrier, instead of the much maligned ‘pit bull’ label.

Wales pulled the dog, now named Poly, from the shelter.

Wales realized that Poly had also recently given birth before she was dumped, and that her pups were probably sold.

Wales urges anyone in the area who recently bought a pit bull puppy to have the pup assessed for a heart condition, which Poly may also have.

Unfortunately, Poly’s potential congenital heart condition may require surgery. Her medical needs, including her blindness, are currently being assessed.

Wales’ rescue group, the all-volunteer Foreverhome Petrescue, set a fundraising goal of $3,000 to cover Poly’s diagnostic testing – but raised over $5,000 instead.

Wales says any extra funds will go towards other homeless animals in need of special medical attention.

The pooch is ‘thriving’ in her new foster home, and is ‘loving and sweet’ – she also apparently likes to dress up

Poly’s Facebook page says she’s housebroken, though she herself doesn’t quite understand the term and wrote in her ‘diary’: ‘I don’t think I’m broken.’ Poly will be ready for her forever home after her medical needs are assessed and addressed

Wales says that the abandoned pup is ‘thriving’ in her foster home and describes her as ‘so loving and sweet.’

Pictures of her dressed up in a pink tutu and a bright yellow duck costume prove she’s pretty fashionable as well. Happiness shines through her cloudy eyes.

Wales has started a Facebook page for the adorable ‘pibble’ – and often updates it in the ‘diary’ voice of Poly. She recently wrote:

‘I like to bark when I have to potty and the lady said that makes me ‘amazing’ cuz it means I’m ‘housebroken.’ I don’t think I’m broken … but she is nice, so I guess I believe her.’

Poly will be up for adoption once her special needs are assessed and she’s recovered from any surgery she might need.

Even then, lucky Poly will wait for the ‘right fit,’ says Wales.