The Enchanting Tale of the ‘Golden Unicorn’ Puppy: A Heartwarming Story of Resilience and Adorability, with One Ear Gracefully Perched in the Middle of Her Head

A ‘unicorn’ puppy who was born with one ear that is placed near its forehead is the latest social media star, attracting millions of views on TikTok.

Rae – ‘ear’ spelled backwards – is a golden retriever who was disfigured after falling critically ill just after being born.

After being treated at a veterinary hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan, was adopted by a receptionist who worked there, Brianna Voorhees.

‘I lost my precious golden retriever Loki to lymphoma last year at 4 years old, so I had a heart for golden retrievers to begin with,’ Vorhees told CNN.

‘Breeders surrender (puppies) to vet techs often if they can’t take care of them full-time.

Rae – ‘ear’ spelled backwards – is a golden retriever who was disfigured after falling critically ill just after being born

After being treated at a veterinary hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan, was adopted by a receptionist who worked there, Brianna Voorhees

The breeder believes that Rae’s mother was too aggressive in licking off the placenta, causing the deformity

Rae is seen above playing with another dog. She is able to hear normally and is not in pain

‘I said if a golden retriever ever comes in, I’m going to want to take care of it and raise it.

‘When they found out she’d need 24-hour care, I have a heart for golden retrievers, and I just knew that she was meant for me, essentially.’

The breeder believes that Rae’s deformity was a result of his mother cleaning off the placenta or amniotic sack too aggressively.

Rae’s entire ear was gone, save for the canal with all of the skin peeled off.

The dog was rushed to hospital for surgery hours after being born. It was uncertain if the animal would survive.

‘She was really in a fragile state, we didn’t know if she was even going to survive beyond 48 hours,’ Vorhees told CNN.

After round-the-clock care, she managed to make a full recovery.

Rae was left with one ear that sticks out of her head.

‘We’re assuming because of the sutures is why the ear migrated to the top of her head,’ Vorhees said.

‘I think as her skin grew, and she started to grow, that it just kind of migrated up there.’

Samantha Smith, a veterinary technician at Family Friends Veterinary Hospital, posted video of Rae on TikTok.

The dog became a viral sensation.

Samantha Smith, a veterinary technician at Family Friends Veterinary Hospital, posted video of Rae on TikTok. The dog became a viral sensation

One video from TikTok has been viewed 3.8 million times

One video from TikTok has been viewed 3.8 million times.

Rae, who is just 12 weeks old, is doing fine. Voorhees said she can hear normally and is not in pain.

‘She can hear and plays in day care here at work almost every day,’ Vorhees said.

‘She has best friends and is the most confident puppy ever. She’s a normal puppy, just with one ear.’

Voorhees credited Rae with reducing stress and providing inspiration.

‘She was a positive outlet for me,’ Vorhees said.

‘I was going through a terrible time with a lot of transitions in my life personally, and Rae was a very positive distraction from a lot of things that were taking place in my life.

‘She’s actually the one who saved me.

‘I could focus on her to take care of her to love and get love back, and she was that for me, and kind of that’s why she means so much to me.’

Voorhees said that she lost her dog when she was pregnant with her now-two-year-old son.

She’s happy her son can now grow up with Rae.