Narrow Escape: Mother Elephant and Calf’s Miraculous Survival from a Deadly Trap in Perilous Canal

Sri Lanka, a beautiful land of agriculture, is blessed with abundant rainfall and a supportive climate for farming. In the Plonnaruwa district, located in the northeastern part of the country, a remarkable story unfolded along the ZD canal, built in 1982 as part of the Accelerated Mahaweli development project.

Stretching approximately 42 kilometers from the Maduru Oya reservoir to the Sevanpitiya area, the ZD canal boasts a clever design with a “V” shape bottom to ensure efficient water flow. Nature’s creatures, including elephants, often traverse this canal, creating moments of both wonder and concern.

In one such instance, a heartwarming yet challenging event occurred. A mother elephant and her calf attempted to cross the V-shaped ZD canal but found themselves stuck for a while. Demonstrating intelligence and resilience, the determined duo tried to climb up using nearby iron steps, showcasing the remarkable abilities of these majestic animals.

Upon receiving reports from vigilant villagers, the wildlife department of Sri Lanka swiftly responded. The dedicated wildlife team devised a thoughtful solution by creating a makeshift ladder using tied-up tires. This ingenious contraption provided the elephant with a foothold, enabling it to climb out of the canal and reunite with its natural habitat.

Despite a few slips and challenges along the way, the collaborative efforts of the wildlife team and the locals ensured the safe escape of the elephants. As the gentle giants disappeared into the lush jungle, guided by both human voices and the call of the wild, a sense of compassion and joy filled the air.

This heartening incident serves as a reminder that humanity’s caring spirit is alive and well. The wildlife officers, along with the compassionate villagers, played a crucial role in assisting these magnificent creatures. As they ventured back into the greens, the officers continued their watchful journey until the elephants were safely lost in the embrace of their natural surroundings.

In the end, the story of the stuck elephants in the ZD canal is not just about a rescue mission; it’s a testament to the harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife. With hope and gratitude, we celebrate the shared moments that connect us all in the tapestry of life. Thank you for being a part of this compassionate journey, and remember: humanity lies in many hearts, ready to extend a helping hand. We’ll be with you shortly, witnessing more stories of joy and kindness. Thank you!