Miraculous Rescue: Buffaloes Save Doomed Baby Elephant from Lions in Heart-Stopping Wildlife Encounter

This is the brave moment a herd of buffaloes runs in to save a helpless elephant calf that is being defeated by a pride of hungry lions!

This is the brave moment a herd of buffaloes runs in to save a helpless elephant calf that is being defeated by a pride of hungry lions!

“After a while, we unexpectedly noticed a pride of lions sitting on rocks above the dam. They were very well camouflaged in the shade of some trees. From the pride, there was one lioness who was particularly alert and looking for opportunities for a kill

“At 17:15 we arrived back at the waterhole, to find the lions still where we left them earlier. We felt a sense of anticipation, knowing that the lions were strategically positioned for an attack on anything that walks too close.

But we also felt a bit confused that the animals down at the water already weren’t of interest to the lions. Finally, we were in shock and disbelief as a baby elephant emerged alone & unprotected, from the bush. The pride of lions ambushed the baby and pounced!”

“Watching all of this happen, our hearts were pumping! The baby elephant was helpless and we were sitting and wondering where the mother was to come and help the poor baby.

From the waterhole, a group of buffaloes heard the commotion and decided to come and investigate. Buffaloes and lions are eternal enemies of the wild, so when they saw the lions, they weren’t happy. The buffaloes decided they wanted the lions out of there and proceeded to chase them away.”

“The bull elephants sounded a loud trumpeting sound, almost showing their heartfelt emotions of loss as they noticed what was happening. My husband and I felt similar heartfelt emotions as the sole witnesses of this sighting.”

“The sighting ended with the large pride of 15-18 lions seizing the baby elephant. We presume that they finally succeeded in killing it…”

“Lastly, we would like to open a discussion and hear from others regarding answers to the questions of elephant behaviour surrounding this event: Why would this baby have been abandoned? Could it be that the mother was killed by poachers?

Did anyone else hear about /see the sequel to this the following day, as we had to leave and couldn’t return.”