Jaw-dropping moment captured as a crocodile drags a turtle out of the water, showcasing raw predatory power

Remarkable pictures show the huge reptile emerged from the waves to clamp its fearsome jaws around the slow-moving amphibian on the sand.

Snap: Amazing pictures show a crocodile catching a turtle

This is the jaw-dropping moment a crocodile broke the surf to snap up an unlucky turtle as it ventured back into the water.

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The huge reptile emerged from the waves to clamp its fearsome jaws around the slow-moving amphibian on the sand.

Photographer Alejandro Prieto captured the incredible scenes on the remote Osa Peninsula in south-western Costa Rica.

Water Tussle: The crocodile battles with the waves to get the turtle out of the water by its head

The area is inside Corcovado National Park, which is bordered by the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Dulce.

Alejandro, 37, who has been a wildlife photographer for six years and is also a vet, from Guadalajara, Mexico, said: “It was a very hot morning.

Video: Crocodile captured battling turtle in Bynoe Harbour | NT News

“I was walking through the beach hoping to see a bull shark, which is something common in this area. They usually feed close to the river mouth, local people told me they had seen some the day before.

“From nowhere I heard a loud sound coming from the sea, at the moment I did not know what was happening, but after a few minutes I saw a huge crocodile emerging from the sea.

Prey Caught: This is the moment the crocodile drags the turtle out of the water

“It was a bigger surprise when I saw it struggling with large green turtle. I quickly I hide my self into the jungle – around 15 metre from the scene – hoping not to interfere and watch them fight for a few minutes.

Amazing Crocodile Photos

“Luckily I managed a few photos before the croc went back to the ocean with the turtle inside its mouth.”

After half-an-hour, the crocodile swam along the surface where he was joined by a curious bull shark, which was probably attracted by the scent of turtle blood.