Inspiring Tale: Brave Two-Legged Puppy’s Triumph After Surviving Train Crash

About a year ago, a dog named Trooper was on the verge of death. He was struck by a train, but somehow he survived, not ready to give up on life just yet. Animal Friends Humane Society quickly took him in and rushed him to their Care Center. Vets worked hard to deal with all his serious injuries and sure enough, all their hard work paid off. Now, Trooper might not look like every dog, but he’s one of the happiest dogs in the world!

Trooper’s Recovery

The humane society decided on the name Trooper because he really was a trooper through every step of the way. When he was found, he was only about 3 months old. No one knows how long he was waiting for help to arrive or how he ended up in the accident, but it was clear that he was in serious need of medical attention.

Because of his serious injuries, the vets had to amputate both his back legs and remove one of his eyes. It was a lot for a young puppy to take in, but he remained strong through it all.

“It is very surprising, especially being such a little dog, that he survived what he’s been through so far,” said Dr. Marlo Perich with the Care Center. “He’s really, really lucky for not bleeding out.”

Trooper seemed to know just how lucky he really was. He remained incredibly sweet and loving to all the vets, and he even gave them frequent kisses. His spirits were always high, so the vets knew he could make a successful recovery.

A New Leash on Life

Early on, the vets knew that Trooper wouldn’t be able to use prosthetics. However, for many special needs dogs, wheelchairs are just as helpful. So, Trooper has his own special wheelchair and he’s even learned to easily move around without it.

After Trooper healed, he quickly found the perfect forever home. He has multiple dog siblings, many of which also have special needs. His best friend is a small pup named Felix.

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“He doesn’t suffer from depression,” said Trooper’s mom, Elizabeth Forman. “He doesn’t have any self-pity, and he’s actually learned to walk on his two front legs without his bottom touching the ground.”

Trooper has grown so much since his accident, and Forman has worked hard to make sure he has the best life possible. He even had a 1st birthday recently! Of course, he had a special birthday celebration for his big day. He gets spoiled just like every dog should.

“He’s had all the experiences,” Forman said. “He’s had many more than the normal dog would ever have. He’s traveled. He’s met thousands of people. He’s raised donations.”

Trooper’s Mission

Trooper’s life doesn’t just consist of fun adventures, but he also has a mission to inspire others. He really is a miracle pup, so as a thank you to everyone that helped save him, Trooper has done everything he can to give back to the community.

He visits nursing homes, schools, and medical facilities. He always shows love to people in need, and he always brings a smile to everyone’s faces. His mission is to spread love and comfort.

“He does extremely well with elderly people or people who are moving a little slower,” Forman said. “So I think he provides intervention, psychological intervention on that level for sure.”

Trooper also helps other dogs in need and fights animal abuse. He helps collect lots of donations for organizations like Animal Friends Humane Society, which is the rescue that initially saved his life. He believes that all dogs should get a second chance at life just like him.

Forman even made Trooper his own Facebook page called The Trooper Telegraph. He has over 15,000 followers so far, and he posts lots of updates on his adventures and guest appearances. He always goes everywhere with an adorable smile on his face.

Trooper had a rough start to life, but he never let that hold him back. He’s just as happy and loving as any other dog, and he wants to show the world the importance of staying strong when times get tough. Luckily, he will continue to spread positivity and help those who need it while still living the life of an everyday dog with his loving family. We should all aspire to be as brave and caring as Trooper!