Incredible rare photos show peregrine falcon scaring off bald eagle

Incredible scenes show a peregrine falcon bullying a bald eagle. Wildlife photographer Maynard K Knapp has shared images of the amazing interaction he captured on a trip to a Maryland dam.

They see the smaller peregrine swooping at the bird of prey before grabbing talons full of feathers. The action was enough to repel the eagle from the vicinity of the peregrine’s nest.

Maynard, from North Carolina, explains: “My wife, Alison, and I were at Conowingo Dam on the Susquehanna River in Maryland for our first visit. Conowingo Dam is famous for eagles fishing in the river just below the dam. We had noticed a peregrine falcon chasing a hawk away from its territory, so we were on the lookout to see what it was going to chase next.

“Later, while I was photographing a nice, juvenile bald eagle, Alison saw the peregrine starting to chase a bald eagle. It was in the same general direction that I was looking, so I found it right away, but they immediately flew behind some trees on the edge of the river.

“I kept my camera ready, hoping that they would clear the trees and fly above the parking area. Not only did they clear the trees, but they changed direction right towards us.

“You can see from the photos that the falcon was determined to keep that eagle away from its nest forever. I think part of my luck in getting the photos is that I do not use a tripod, even when I use my largest lens, so I am always ready to get the shot.”

Wildlife photographer Maynard K Knapp has shared images of the amazing interaction

The smaller bird swooped at the bird of prey before grabbing talons full of feathers

The action was enough to repel the eagle from the vicinity of the peregrine’s nest

‘We had noticed a peregrine falcon chasing a hawk away from its territory, so we were on the lookout to see what it was going to chase next’

‘You can see from the photos that the falcon was determined to keep that eagle away’

Wildlife photographer Maynard K Knapp has shared images of the amazing interaction

The smaller bird swooped at the bird of prey before grabbing talons full of feathers

The action was enough to repel the eagle from the vicinity of the peregrine’s nest

‘We had noticed a peregrine falcon chasing a hawk away from its territory, so we were on the lookout to see what it was going to chase next’