In the Waters of Ontario: The Harrowing Scene of Two Black Bears Brutally Taking Down a Moose Calf

The things these creatures go through, and have to do, to survive.

Black bears are not known for their hunting ability and have gained a massive reputation, especially in more urban areas, for living off of human garbage. But that’s really because most of the black bears the majority of people see are eating their garbage.

Those bears are probably accustomed to that and have found themselves a problematic, but very easy, food source. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t fantastic hunters.

Black bears can consume as much as 20,000 calories in a day when they are getting ready to hibernate. That amount of food means they don’t discriminate and will eat literally anything they can. Omnivorous by nature, they’ll eat anything from grasses to berries and shrubs, to fish, fawns, roadkill, or even maybe the second largest animal in North America… moose.

Black bears can reach weights well over 500 pounds, and on rare occasions much larger, but usually they average closer to around 300 pounds. They can run, climb, claw, and swim their way through nearly any kind of environment.

That’s nature for you… it’s brutal.