Heartwarming Video: Rescued Beaver Embraces Instincts, Builds Stick Dam at Massachusetts Rehab Center, Finding Purpose and Healing

Video shows the baby beaver, called Nibi, happily bounding back and forth collecting his sticks to create the dam and block the doorway.

As soon as the beaver Ziibi left, Nibi saw his chance and quickly began collecting sticks and trying to block the doorway.

Video shows the baby beaver, called Nibi, happily bounding back and forth to collect his sticks to create the dam and block the doorway.=

Video, posted by the Newhouse Wildlife Rescue Center, shows Nibi pushing a dozen sticks across the room towards the doorway with his head

Nibi loses control of some of the sticks by the time he reaches the doorway, so he quickly places three sticks across the doorway before bounding back to collect the other sticks he had dropped

Nibi, who is being cared for by staff at the Newhouse Wildlife Rescue Center in Chelmsford, immediately began building the dam when his new roommate – a fellow beaver – was placed a different enclosure

‘Nibi immediately started building a dam at the door where his roommate exited,’ the staff quipped as they shared the video.

The beaver collects the other sticks one by one, carefully placing them on the ever-growing dam. At one point, he appears so happy with his endeavor that he bounds into the air in his rush to collect more sticks

Staff at the rehab facility, which provides care to injured or orphaned local wildlife, said they had given Nibi an hour to himself in the rehab room to reward him for his ‘good behavior’ towards his new roommate Ziibi

Video shows the baby beaver, called Nibi, happily bounding back and forth to collect his sticks to create the dam and block the doorway

Both the Eurasian beaver and the American beaver were almost driven extinct by hunting in the early 20th century.

The staff initially struggled to keep Nibi and Ziibi (pictured together) in the same room without them fighting, as beavers are incredibly territorial. But staff said the pair are now ‘tolerating’ each other and can be in the same room without fighting