Heartwarming Triumph: Baby Orphaned Elephant Defies Fear, Overcoming Water Apprehension in an Uplifting Tale of Resilience and Healing

In this heartwarming clip from the BBC documentary nature series, Nature’s Miracle Orphans, Moyo, the rescued baby elephant, bravely overcomes his fear of swimming with help from his caretaker, Roxy Danckwerts, the founder of the Wild Is life wildlife sanctuary in Zimbabwe.

When Mayo the baby elephant was a few days old he nearly drowned. The trauma left him with a fear of water.

But as you’ll see in this heartwarming clip from the BBC documentary nature series, Nature’s Miracle Orphans the rescued baby elephant, bravely overcomes his fear of swimming with help from his canine pal Josephine and his caretaker, Roxy Danckwerts, the founder of the Wild Is life wildlife sanctuary in Zimbabwe.

After 14 months of ’round-the-clock care and therapy, Mayo may be ready to put his fears behind him!

Watch this sweet milestone moment in the video below.