Epic Video: Wolverine Fends Off Pair of Wolves, Emerges Unscathed from Intense Showdown in the Wilderness

Wolves are some of the best and most strategic hunters in the wild.

They use strength in numbers to take down prey and survive as a group. There are very few animals that do this, making them collectively as a species some of the best hunters. But, then there’s the wolverine. And the wolverine just don’t care.

You can try, but you better pack a lunch because the fight will be cut out for ya from the beginning. Just like this other wolverine that fought off a wolf that we recently showed you.

We know one wolverine can fight off one wolf, but now I need to know. Can a wolverine fight off two wolves? We are about to find out…

The video starts with two wolves eyeing up a wolverine in an open area. The wolves are trying to come up with a game plan so they can get a little bit of lunch.

One wolf decides it’s time and tries the classic attack from behind method. The wolverine is quick on his feet and doesn’t let it in too close. The second wolf comes in but the wolverine’s awareness is on point as it quickly switches its focus.

A person would think two adult wolves, who hunt together for a living would eventually get the better end of this ordeal, but the wolverine has other plans.

The wolves are in full attack mode going in for the kill. But the wolverine bounces back in forth between the two keeping them from wanting to go full in on the attack.

As the wolves switch spots and try to get the vantage point from the backside the wolverine just keep on keeping on and doesn’t let them get in good position. It uses its speed and fearlessness to keep the wolves out of position.

The three of them go in a circle and the wolverine even starts to attack a bit itself, playing on the offensive side.

Ultimately, that helps makes the wolves realize this is one badass creature and it might be a fight that just ain’t worth it.

That just goes to show, like every wolverine encounter, that they are as cool as it gets.