Eagle’s Ambition Thwarted: Bear Defends Feast with Mighty Paw, Challenging Predator’s Hunger in Feathery Feud

This is the dramatic moment a bear took out an American bald eagle in one fell swoop after getting too close to her cub and its food.

The eagle swooped down on the bear and her cub as they were eating a dead whale in Kodiak, Alaska

One eagle got far to close to the bear’s cub and its food angering the large animal into action

The bear then attacks the eagle and ends up swatting it to the ground with its large paws

He explained: ‘The sow bear was so protective of her food, a dead whale, she wouldn’t leave especially as there was a stream only a few hundred yards up the hill where she could get water.

Once on the ground, the bear made sure the eagle was not going to threaten her cub any further

The cub even wandered over to make sure the eagle who was eyeing up his dinner was no longer a threat

And even though the eagle appeared to survive the attack, Mr O’Hearn believes it wouldn’t have lived for much longer.

The eagle was left on the floor with a broken back and unable to fly while the two bears enjoyed a nap

He added: ‘She never actually killed the eagle, I think the talon in the face ended the attack.