Compassionate Fishermen Rescue Mistaken Newborn Seal Pup, Mistaken for Lost Baby, Heard Whimpering Alone on Ice

Footage shows the youngster trying to move around on the ice before a man goes to comfort it and it is moved into a sledge.

Video shows the seal making its way around the ice before a man goes to comfort it and strokes under its chin.

One of the unnamed fishermen told reporters: ‘We came to fish, it was dark outside when we heard a cry.

A group of fishermen stumbled upon and tried to help a seal pup (pictured) while they were working on Russia’s Sakhalin island, which is in the Pacific Ocean north of Japan


The men comforted the whimpering animal (left) and used a sledge (right) to move it towards a road where they met a local animal rescue service

The fishermen said they were told by the shelter the seal was feeling well and active, however, some local sources reported the animal had died.

The pup appeared relaxed as it peeked out from its sledge after being found by the fishermen

The fishermen said they waited for a few hours to see if the mother seal returned but when she didn’t they decided to move the pup (pictured left and in transport right)