Battle for Dominance: Elephants’ Trunk and Disorderly Chase Sends Hippos Fleeing, Securing Prime Spot at South African Watering Hole

Wildlife photographer Corlette Wessels, 47, was just yards from the action when a large elephant cow began to take exception at the presence of nearby hippos.

The elephant’s bad temper quickly turned into a charge and the hippo was forced to turn and flee.

This is the moment a herd of elephants charged a bloat of hippos to claim the prime spot at a watering hole

The elephant’s bad temper quickly turned into a charge and the hippo was forced to turn and flee

Seeing one of their herd in distress several tonnes of elephant herd joined the chase which saw the hippos race for safety.

She said: ‘I am no expert in animal behaviour, but I think this elephant cow was irritated with the two hippos being near where she was busy drinking’

Seeing one of their herd in distress several tonnes of elephant herd joined the chase which saw the hippos race for safety

‘He went into thick mud and things settled down. The elephants were all trumpeting during this, it was crazy really, it all happened so fast.’

Both the female elephant and some of members of the herd managed to catch the hippos hitting them with their massive trunks

But thankfully a pachyderm peace descended once the hippos moved to a muddier section of the watering hole

Corlette said the other hippo also appeared later with some blood on its side but otherwise unharmed.