Heartbreaking Cruelty: Owners Abandon Paralyzed Five-Week-Old Puppy to Die in Alleyway

A five-week-old puppy was dumped and left to die in an alleyway by heartless owners.

The tiny merle-coloured puppy was found cold and scared in a cardboard box in an alley in Bradford, Yorkshire suffering from paralysis in its hind legs.

The RSPCA has launched an investigation after the paralysed puppy was found by a member of the public, who looked after it at home before calling for help.

A five-week-old puppy was dumped and left to die in an alleyway on Christmas Day by heartless owners. The tiny merle-coloured puppy was found cold and scared in a cardboard box in an alley in Bradford, Yorkshire suffering from paralysis in its hind legs.

Inspector Dave Holgate later collected the dog and took him to a nearby vet.

‘Unfortunately, the little crossbreed puppy was in a terrible state,’ he said. ‘He was collapsed at the rear and was dragging his back legs.

‘It seems as though his back end was paralysed and he was unable to use his legs.

‘Goodness knows how long the poor pup had been in this state – he may have been born like this or could have deteriorated as he grew.

The RSPCA has launched an investigation after the paralysed puppy was found by a member of the public, who looked after it at home before calling for help. Vets assessed the tiny dog and discovered he was suffering and unlikely to recover so he was put to sleep on welfare grounds

‘I suspect he was abandoned by the breeder when they realised he would need expensive veterinary treatment or would fail to sell.’

Vets assessed the tiny dog and discovered he was suffering and was sadly unlikely to recover so he was put to sleep on welfare grounds.

‘It’s so sad that we weren’t able to save this little puppy but I’m just glad he’s no longer sat inside a cardboard box cold, frightened and in pain,’ added Inspector Holgate.

‘It’s so sad that we weren’t able to save this little puppy but I’m just glad he’s no longer sat inside a cardboard box cold, frightened and in pain,’ said RSPCA Inspector Holgate

‘At least he felt love and compassion in his final hours.

‘To abandon this poor puppy – who was too young to be away from his mum and siblings – is disgraceful, but to do so on Christmas Day with him in dire need of veterinary attention is despicable.