Wheeling into a Brighter Future: 3D-Printed Wheelchair Transforms Two-Legged Chihuahua’s Life (VIDEO)

Here’s something a bit more heart-warming going into the week.

Turbo.roo, reports Designboom, is a chihuahua born without front legs. He was adopted by Ashely Looper, a technician at a veterinarian clinic in indianapolis, USA.

To help him regain mobility, Looper turned to crowd-funding to raise enough money to buy a custom-fitted cart for Turbo.roo.

The fund-raising efforts were brought to the attention of Mark Deadrick, president of 3dyn, a firm that does 3D design and printing.

He created a a special cart that could be fitted with what looks like rollerblade wheels, which is the one that you can see in the top photo and in the photo below.

Nice work, Mr. Deadrick! With the incredible advancements in technology, it seems there is no disability that an animal can’t overcomeSource
