What a way to earn your stripes: Zebras captured in bloody battle for dominance

These aggressive zebras were left covered in blood after a vicious battle for supremacy in their herd.

The two males, thought to be aged around ten and four years old, were pictured gripped in a noisy and ferocious battle that lasted several hours.

Photographer Winfried Wisniewski was in the Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, to see the calving of 250,000 wildebeest.

Cross: These aggressive zebras were left covered in blood after a vicious battle for supremacy in their herd

Tussle: The two males, thought to be aged around ten and four years old, were pictured in the Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, having a noisy battle that lasted several hours

But the 62-year-old was stunned to see the common zebras kicking and biting each other so violently.

He said: ‘I watched for about an hour as the two stallions engaged in a serious and noisy fight.

‘They were fighting for dominance in a zebra family group of abut ten members.

‘It was obvious they had been fighting for a long time before we even arrived because both were seriously hurt.

‘I would say they had probably been fighting for a few hours.

‘The younger one seemed to be the dominant one but he tired and the older one eventually won.

‘The younger zebra gave up and disappeared.’

Hoof it: Zebras can weigh up to 900 lbs and measure 5ft at the shoulder

Bloody: The pair kicked and bit each other in a vicious battle for dominance over a family group

Mr Wisniewski, from the Ruhr region of Germany, added: ‘It was a a very hard and rare fight, and I thing my images are sensational.

‘The older one is probably more than ten years old and the younger about four to six years, maybe younger.

‘You can see it by comparing the length of the teeth.’ Zebras can weigh up to 900 lbs and measure 5ft at the shoulder.

Each individual has its own distinctive pattern of stripes that break up the outline of the body, providing effective camouflage from predators like lions or hyena.

Ferocious: The tussle was captured on camera by German photographer Winfried Wisniewski

Stamina: The elder stallion was eventually prevailed and the younger slunk off

The zebra’s thin, long legs are also perfectly built for a swift escape from danger and they can run at up to 40 miles per hour.

Herds can be comprised of up to 1000 individuals, these are made up of family groups of between five and 20.

Zebras communicate through sounds and facial expressions. Laying the ears flat is a sign of aggression.