Watch: Tusks clatter in explosive clash between Kenyan elephant bulls

Watch: Tusks clatter in explosive clash between Kenyan elephant bulls

Elephants are usually relatively calm creatures, unless unduly provoked by gawking humans, opportunistic predators or feisty peers. On occasion, though, they may come to blows in dramatic battles for dominance that are not often seen, let alone captured on camera. Kenyan safari guide Tom Sairowua recently witnessed a titanic skirmish between two elephant bulls in the Maasai Mara National Reserve and was lucky enough to film a thrilling minute of the action.

The clip was captured in early March while Sairowua was taking visitors on a game drive in the famed Kenyan park. Having spotted the bulls sizing each other up, the experienced guide parked his game-viewing vehicle near a small wooded area and began filming as the elephants approached. With trunk raised, the aggressor made a determined push forward. His rival retreated and, as though part of a synchronised dance, moved backwards at an identical pace to his assailant in preparation for the clash. There’s a moment’s pause. Then a lunge. Two enormous heads collided in a dusty thump. The clatter of tusks locking together echoed across the grassland as the giants jostled for dominance. It’s an orchestrated wrestling match characterised by sporadic headbutting, trunk tangling and forceful shunting.

Although the challenger on the left appeared to have the upper hand in the short clip, the battle continued for an hour, Sairowua explained on Facebook, and it was the larger, older bull who eventually claimed victory. “The two were fighting to prove their dominance,” Sairowua told The Daily Mail. “It was very impressive to see the power of these animals. The fight was so important as it dictates leadership as well as who will have easier access to females.”