Watch: Bison Pushes Its Own Kind Into Clutches of Wolves to Distract and Escape

Bison Railroads Fellow Bison, Leaves Him For Dead To Escape From Hungry Pack Of Wolves

You know that old Tracy Lawrence song, “Find Out Who Your Friends Are” featuring Tim McGraw and Kenny Chesney?

Well, this bison found out the hard way that he didn’t have any…

This is a pretty old video, perhaps somewhere up in Canada… I don’t really know, and at the end of the day, it’s really not that important.

What is import is that we got a herd of bison getting attacked by a hungry pack of wolves.

The littler fella has got the whole pack on his ass, and it’s not looking good. The entire pack is swarming him, taking bites here and there, and it seems like it’s only a matter of time before this young bison becomes lunch for the wolfpack.

But then, a much bigger, absolute UNIT of a bison tries to help? Or leave the youngster for dead… it’s impossible to tell.

Running through the pack of wolves AND the other bison, he absolutely railroads everybody on the scene, leaving his fellow bison at the mercy of the wolfpack.

If he was trying to help, he made things a lot, lot worse…

Either way, I (and the rest of the internet) laughed way too hard at this.

Survival of the fittest is a mf’er, huh?