Video: Sri Lankan Man Selflessly Removes Barnacles from Sea Turtles, Aiding in Their Survival

Vulnerable sea turtles have found a hero in a Sri Lankan YouTuber named ‘Chika Boy’. He has posted a number of videos wherein he rescues local sea turtles by helping them get rid of a type of crustaceans named barnacles before sending them back into the water, DNA reports.

In the video, he is seen carefully shaving off barnacles that are clinging to the shell of a sea turtle with a large knife. After completing this arduous work, he takes the animal back to the sea where it slowly goes back into the ocean. Check it out:

He explains, “Barnacles make a turtle inactive, impact its vision, make eating difficult, and sometimes lead to infection. Excessive barnacles on a turtle’s shell are a sign of bad health. Excessive barnacles are an indicator of a slow and inactive turtle.

The overloading of barnacles will prevent the turtle from moving and swimming properly. Then the turtle will become slower than usual because of the increased weight on the turtle’s shell, it will find it difficult to search for food.

Also, if the barnacles are attached near the turtle’s eyes, its vision will get impacted. Barnacles attached near the mouth of the turtle are also harmful. The turtle will not be able to eat properly due to excessive barnacles.”