Video: Mysterious Object or UFO? Unexplained Crash in Chinese Village Raises Questions

Residents of a Shaanxi village were spooked out after a mysterious object fell from the sky and crashed into a nearby mountain, opening up a sizeable crater in the ground.

Eyewitnesses said the unidentified object landed on a mountaintop in Zhangjiapan village at around 1pm on December 12.

When the villagers arrived to check the scene, they discovered a burning crater around one meter long. But no solid objects were found inside the hole, leading some to believe it was a UFO.


A villager surnamed Zhang told Chinese Business Network that he looked up to the sky after hearing a loud noise and saw an object rapidly plummeting toward the mountain.

“[It] made a loud bang when it hit the ground,” he said. “Then it started burning. The dry grass nearby was quickly set aflame.

Meanwhile, police in the nearby Fugu village reported finding objects believed to be related to the crash.

One of the objects was a large metal ring with letters and numbers on the surface. The ring allegedly crashed into the rooftop of a house with alarming speed.


The objects have been sent in for testing.

An eyewitness filmed the incident as it happened. Watch below (VPN off):

[Images via China Business Network, People’s Daily]