[Video] Mountain Lion’s Courage: Defending Cubs Against a Black Bear Attack


Nature doesn’t get any more crazy than this here. These things are rarely ever even seen by people, let alone caught on video.

Mountain lions are some of the deadliest animals out there. They have a reputation for being killers that go unnoticed, and they have it for a reason.

These ferocious felines can weigh up to 175 pounds on average. The can run up to 50 miles an hour and leap 20 feet in a single bound. They use these skills to surprise predators before using their razor-sharp claws and teeth to end it.

Lions can have up to 6 cubs (sometimes called kittens) at a time. They rely on their mothers to raise them until they are ready to take on territory of their own.

They have no predators, except for anything crazy enough to try and take out a cub.

And a bear is the only thing crazy enough to try. Black bears can weigh as much as 600 pounds and love to eat because of it. They will eat grass, garbage, berries and hunt anything the think they can take out.

But to go after a cougar just seems like way to much of a fight. This black bear decided to give it a try though.

The bear is seen creeping down the hill and taking a swat at a cub.

The mother cougar takes notice as comes in guns-a-blazin’.

Being a mother first, she makes sure the cub is okay then turns attention to the bear. The mountain lion goes face-to-face with him, and they exchange hits.

The black bear tries to get up a tree but the lion is hot on his tail, the bear falls and the cat pounces on him. The pair continues to have an insane fight.

Those are two bad animals.

Although, it isn’t clear where this video was shot based on the caption, Montana does have mountain lions and black bears, so this scenario could also take place in Montana. Notice how the mountain lion checks on her cubs before tending to the black bear. Plus, notice how the black bear seemed to just be trying to swat the cubs away more than messing with them.

But the bear is having none of it, even seems content to let the cat yell itself out and leave on its own terms.

However, there’s only so much of this he can take and eventually decides it’s time to bow up and run this cat out of town.

Now, there’s no denying this bear looks a little funny when he gets up on his back legs, but the cougar certainly didn’t think so, and after just a few back and forths, the bear chases it away and gets to revel in his glory, secure once again on top of the food chain.