Unexplained Mars Anomalies: NASA Satellite Captures Mysterious Dome and Pyramid, Igniting Conspiracy Theories

From skulls to beer bottles, conspiracy theorists claim to have spotted a range of weird and wonderful items on the surface of Mars.

And the latest alleged ‘sighting’ suggests that there may be a pyramid and a dome on the surface of the red planet.

Satellite images taken by Nasa show a mysterious circular structure near a triangular shape – although they are likely to just be rocks.

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The latest alleged ‘sighting’ suggests that there may be a pyramid and a dome on the surface of red planet. Satellite images taken by Nasa show a mysterious circular structure near a triangular shape – although they are likely to just be rocks


Pareidolia is the psychological response to seeing faces and other significant and everyday items in random stimulus.

It is a form of apophenia, when people see patterns in random, unconnected data.

There have been multiple occasions when people have claimed to see religious images and themes in unexpected places.

On the red planet, one of the most famous is the ‘face on Mars’ spotted by one of the Viking orbiters in 1976.

This was later proven to just be a chance alignment of sand dunes.

ArtAlienTV, a YouTube channel that regularly posts alleged alien and UFO sightings, posted a video online showing the structures on Nasa satellite images.

The channel claims that the dome looks ‘artificial’, and maintains that the images have not been altered.

In the description for the video, ArtAlienTV wrote: ‘We have a clear 50 foot dome or sphere in a Mars Crater with large pipes coming out of it on the left.

‘Also, a triangular pyramid shaped structure about 500 feet away from it that is 120 ft wide.’

He added: ‘These features look artificial in nature and are clearly visible on Google Mars with no enhancements.

‘The structures are between the Mawrth Vallis region and Oyama Crater in an area that was short listed for a Mars Rover to explore for possible signs of life before Gale Crater was eventually chosen.

‘It is not hard to find.’

But not everyone is convinced of the dome and pyramid theory.

Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, told MailOnline: ‘They have done well to find a dome and a pyramid relatively close together on Mars.

‘We all love the idea that thousands of years ago aliens built such structures on Mars and Earth.

‘Or there is even the suggestion that aliens still inhabit Mars and/or humans have secretly colonised the planet.

‘They are reasonable fantasies but this flimsey new evidence isn’t sufficient enough to make them real.’

This isn’t the first time that conspiracy theorists have claimed to spot a mysterious object on Mars.

The channel claims that the dome looks ‘artificial’, and maintains that the images have not been altered

Last week, Nasa’s Curiosity rover snapped a photo of an object on the surface of Mars, which conspiracy theorists believe could be evidence of aliens.

The high-definition image appears to show the object glinting against Mars’ rocky landscape.

While many people believe that the object is made by aliens, others have suggested that it is merely the rover’s own entry debris.

Last week, Nasa’s Curiosity rover snapped a photo of a mysterious object on the surface of Mars, which conspiracy theorists believe could be evidence of aliens

Prosaic Origin, the Reddit user who posted the image, wrote: ‘Uh Nasa? UFO caught on Mars Rover mission? Is this real?’

His post has received 79 replies, many of which back up his thoughts that it could be aliens.

EdisonVonneZula said: ‘Looks like light glimmering off of a genuine spaceship on an alien planet in outer space.’

The high-definition image appears to show the object glinting against Mars’ rocky landscape. While many people believe that the object is made by aliens, others have suggested that it is merely the rover’s own entry debris

And Crazylegs99 wrote: ‘They forgot to Photoshop that one out. Love how skeptical the mods are.

But some users suggested the image could merely show debris from the rover’s landing craft.

OnceReturned wrote: ‘We know that the Rover was taking pictures of its own entry debris at that time.

‘There’s nothing particularly alien about the object in question – it could easily be entry debris, at least in my opinion.’