Unearthed in Texas: The Remarkable Duck-Billed Dinosaur with a Wide Double-Trowel Jaw from 80 Million Years Ago

The skull of an unusual duck-billed dinosaur that lived 80 million years ago has been discovered in Texas.

It is thought to be a brand new species and has a bizarre facial structure that resembles two trowels laid side by side.

It has been named Aquilarhinus palimentus due to its eagle-like nose and wide lower jaw.

The animal would have been shovelling through loose, wet sediment to scoop loosely-rooted aquatic plants from the tidal marshes of an ancient delta, where today lies the Chihuahuan desert.

The skull of a duck-billed dinosaur that lived 80 million years ago has been discovered in Texas. It has been named Aquilarhinus palimentus due to its aquiline nose and wide lower ja (artist’s impression, pictured)

Duck-billed dinosaurs, also known as hadrosaurids, were the most common herbivorous dinosaurs at the end of the Mesozoic Era, and all had a similar-looking snout.

The front of the jaws of the hadrosaurids meet in a U-shape to support a cupped beak used for cropping plants.

Some species have a much wider shape than others but there is so far no evidence it altered the feeding style.

The main group of duck-billed dinosaurs in this category are known as Saurolophidae.

A study, published in the Journal of Systematic Palaeontology considers it to be a new species and a new genus.

Texas Tech University Professor Tom Lehman collected rock samples from Rattle Snake Mountain and discovered bones when he was a Master’s student in the 1980s.

Analysis of the stuck together mass of sediment was impossible but as techniques improved over the decades several features were revealed.

Renewed interest in the 1990s unveiled an arched nasal crest and the peculiar lower jaw.

However later analysis found it to be far more primitive than these early assumptions and completely different to the two other, known groups of duck-billed dinosaurs.

Duck-billed dinosaurs, also known as hadrosaurids, were the most common herbivorous dinosaurs at the end of the Mesozoic Era, and all had a similar-looking snout.

‘This new animal is one of the more primitive hadrosaurids known and can therefore help us to understand how and why the ornamentation on their heads evolved, as well as where the group initially evolved and migrated from,’ says lead author Dr Albert Prieto-Márquez from the Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont, near Barcelona.

‘Its existence adds another piece of evidence to the growing hypothesis, still up in the air, that the group began in the southeastern area of the US.’

The front of the jaws of the hadrosaurids meet in a U-shape to support a cupped beak used for cropping plants.

It is thought to be a brand new species and has a bizarre facial structure that resembles two trowels laid side by side (pictured). The animal would have been shovelling through loose, wet sediment to scoop loosely-rooted aquatic plants from the tidal marshes of an ancient delta, where today lies the Chihuahuan desert

Pictured: The dentary of Aquilarhinus, showing the unusual upturned end of the mandible. The jaw and other characteristics of the specimen show that it does not fit with the main group of duck-billed dinosaurs known as Saurolophidae

Some species have a much wider shape than others but there is so far no evidence it altered the feeding style.

But the latest fossilised find would have eaten in a completely different manner to other known duck-billed dinosaurs.

The lower jaws of Aquilarhinus meet in a W-shape opposed to a U-shape, creating a wide, flattened scoop.

The jaw and other characteristics of the specimen show that it does not fit with the main group of duck-billed dinosaurs known as Saurolophidae.

It became fossilised after dying and having some of its bones moved downstream by a water current and becoming lodged in vegetation.

The twice-daily flow of the tide dropped silt that built up the bank of the channel around its body, fossilising the bones in thick ironstone.