Tragic Loss: Deer Dies Giving Birth with Deputy Assistance, Yet Hope for Survival of Twin Fawns at Rescue Center

The mother deer was rescued when Kentucky officers found the animal in labor giving birth to fawns

The mother deer who was rescued by officers in Bowling Green, Kentucky while giving birth to twin fawns has died.

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“Her twins are a girl and boy,” the post reads. “I have named them Jack and Jill. They are very small and fawns are very fragile.”

“Fawns are normally born late May or early June,” the post added, emphasizing their fragile state being born so late in the season. “No one has fawn this size so they need each other.”

“I am praying they both make it,” the post concludes.Dog Rescued After Being Stranded on Second Floor Balcony by ‘Out of Town’ Owner, Officials Say

When firefighters responded, they used metal tools to pry open the drain. Then, a rescuer climbed into the drain and emerged a few minutes later, holding a tiny fawn in his arms. The man took the baby animal over to its mother, who had been watching the proceedings from a nearby patch of grass.