Touching story: A homeless mother dog with two legs takes care of her litter of puppies.

This is the moment when a two-legged stray dog gives birth to her very own litter of four-legged puppies

She was one of many strays known around the local area and was well known after tragically losing her legs to a speeding train a few years prior.

The stray, named Shi Bao, is seen lovingly nuzzling her puppies while taking them for a walk, balancing only on her front legs.

A year after the original MailOnline article came out about Shi Bao, she and her family were rescued by a British Charity!

In an outstanding reversal of fortune, the stray who once was left to scavenge for any scraps it could for her family now has a new life in Hong Kong.

She will now be the star of an animal cruelty campaign across Asia, one of the perks of this new role will be a new pair of wheels for her to move around on.