Touching Moment: Grateful Turtle Embraces Rescuer After Being Freed from Fishing Net

A Puerto Rican kite surfer who saved a turtle from fishing nets was rewarded for his actions with a hug from the endangered sea creature.

The underwater rescue and touching encounter with the turtle afterwards was filmed on a GoPro camera at the start of the year by two friends who were spear fishing off Baja on the Mexican coast.

When kite surfer Cameron Dietrich and Colin Sutton spotted the distressed sea turtle they quickly dived in the ocean to try to rescue it.

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Touching: A sea turtle swims nose-to-nose with Cameron Dietrich after he freed it from tangled fishing nets

Rescue: Dietrich uses a dive knife to cut away the tangled mess of nets that had wrapped around the turtle

‘When I saw the turtle tangled up I jumped in the water and began to cut it free,’ Dietrich told MailOnline. ‘It was totally worn out from fighting for its life for last probably 12 to 20 hours.’

Using a dive knife, Dietrich carefully cut away the tangle of rope and netting that had wrapped itself around a front fin, while Sutton helped the turtle to float.

Once it had been freed, Dietrich described how he stayed beneath the turtle to make sure it had the strength to swim after its traumatic experience.

Reassured that the turtle was going to be fine, Dietrich swam away from it, stopping a short distance away to watch the creature.

But in an unexpected move, the turtle slowly circled back and returned to the surfer, stopping inches from his face and letting him gently hold it, as if to say thanks.

Dietrich and his friends spotted the turtle in distress while they were spear fishing off the Mexico coast

Colin Sutton films on a GoPro camera as Dietrich dives in to help the turtle

‘It returned back to me on top of my chest and came right up to my face and let me touch its under shell,’ he said. ‘It got right up to my mask then swam off.’

‘For me, it was an unusual and wonderful moment,’ he added. ‘After it came up to my face it swam off into the blue straight.’

Since the video of the touching rescue was uploaded on YouTube earlier this month it has been viewed more than 1.9 million times.

The friends work quickly to free the sea turtle, which calmly allowed Dietrich to get close

The freed sea turtle started to swim away before suddenly turning back towards Dietrich

The turtle swims over to Dietrich and lets him embrace it

Dietrich floated under the turtle for a sort distance, fearing it would be too exhausted to swim after its ordeal with the nets