Top-Secret UFO Retrieval: British Parachute Regiment Member Reveals 1980s Crash Recovery Operation in Northern England Conspiracy

Franc Milburn, who was a member of the British Army’s elite Parachute Regiment, said the craft crashed in the north of England and was retrieved in a secret operation in the 1980s

Brit Special Forces soldiers recovered a “non-human” UFO that crashed in the north of England, according to an ex-Para and military intelligence officer.

A now declassified 2000 UK Defence Intelligence Staff report obtained by states that the existence of 'Unexplained Aerial Phenomena' (UAP) is 'indisputable' and included a scatter plot (pictured) of UAP reports across the UK between 1987 to 1991

Franc Milburn, who was a member of the British Army’s elite Parachute Regiment, said the craft was retrieved in a secret operation in the 1980s. Its presence has never been revealed in any publicly-released documents in the past 30 years.

The UK's Ministry of Defence (MoD) told they are 'not aware of any salvage operations with materials of unexplained origin,' however,

Franc spoke out after US intelligence whistleblower David Grusch claimed officials had recovered debris and alienbiologics’ from 10 crashed UFOs. He said boffins had been secretly tasked with reverse-engineering ET technology in a bid to give the US an advantage in the global arms race.

Now known as E Squadron, it recruits the most experienced and reliable operators from the UK’s Special Forces units – the Special Air Service or SAS, Special Boat Service (SBS) and Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR) – and take part in covert, clandestine, and paramilitary operations.

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“They’d been told by the RAF that a craft which wasn’t Russian, British, or American had been downed,’’ Milburn said.

“He said they were tasked to secure and retrieve the craft in the north of England. “They were flown in by helicopter. They established a cordon, a perimeter, and they approached the craft.

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“He didn’t describe the craft. He just said it was obvious it was non-human.

“And it was obvious that had been occupants.

“I don’t know if that meant they saw seats inside or they found a dead alien or whatever it was. I don’t know.

“He said it was obvious that the occupants had basically gone off along the ground.

“Then it was a case of securing the craft and recovering those occupants to take them into custody.

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“Part of the unit was left protecting the craft. They would have left maybe six to eight blokes to cordon the craft.

“And the others would have been on foot, quad bikes, or 4x4s trying to track down these entities that escaped from it, with helicopters supporting.

“He said after that it was totally passed over.

“He said, Scientists and technicians came in and it was completely out of our hands. We were flown away by helicopter and we knew nothing more after that’.’’

Franc said when his comrade, who fought in the 1982 Falklands War, refused to tell him any more – including the precise location or a description of the craft. He did not push him as he wasnot majorly into’ UFOs.

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But after the US launched a probe into dozens of close encounters between Top Gun pilots and mystery craft – often near nuclear bases or weapons sites – he recalled the conversation.

“This guy says he was involved in a crash retrieval in the UK,’’ Franc told The Good Trouble Show on YouTube.