Thousand-Spot UFO Hovers Above Canadian Minor League Baseball Game

Canadian minor league baseball draws some fans from far, far away, it seems.

Spectators at the Nat Bailey Stadium in Vancouver, Canada, were stunned to spot what appeared to be a UFO in the sky above the first game of the best-of-three North Division final between the Vancouver Canadians and Everett AquaSox.

Nor was there any doubt as to which team the intergalactic groupies were cheering for – the Canadians scored four runs at the time of the sighting, sparking whispers of ‘cosmic intervention’ and the Twitter hashtag #luckyUFO.

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Unidentified: Did the flashing lights in the sky above the Nat Bailey Stadium herald visitors from another galax

The blue object, adorned with the requisite flashing lights, appeared over the right field fence at the start of the sixth inning.

Even players on the Vancouver Canadians team were tweeting pictures of the flying disc as it hovered above their Scotiabank Field home.

One Twitter user said he saw the supposed flying saucer moving up and down in the sky over the crowd of 1,796 baseball fans.

The luck of the little green men clearly held out, as the Vancouver Canadians went on to win the match with a 5-1 score, despite a slow start to their play.

However, a YouTube video of the surreal sighting produced some less than enthusiastic responses from UFO raters.

Is it a bird…? Fans of the Vancouver Canadians and Everett AquaSox pointed in amazement at the sky above the minor league game

Boldly go: The metallic disc peeps out from behind a tree outside the stadium walls

Sport star: Spectators said the alleged UFO hovered up and down as play continued

Some apparently took genuine offence at the astronomical claims, with one user, who called themselves ‘Saddam Hussein’, writing: ‘You guys are so gullible. Those EXACT colors are used on the majority of the RC air crafts available in stores. Even planes, real planes use those colors on each side of the wing.’

The message continued: ‘Wake up… I believe in UFO’s, I truly do. But I’m not a f****** stupid, gullible, moronic person like the rest of you believing in everything.’

Others mentioned that the camera was pointed towards the southwest, in the direction of Vancouver International Airport, and suggested a large passenger jet or freight aircraft might be the more likely identity of the ship.

Yet another YouTube user, ‘thenewaeon’, floated the idea of ‘a weather balloon filled with swamp gas’, while ‘BC stargazer’ wrote: ‘I’m sure there’s a photoshop class near Main & Hastings.’

#luckyufo: Vancouver Canadians scored four runs and won the match 5-1, sparking claims of ‘cosmic intervention’

‘Cmsahe’, however, pointed out that as the true identity of the ship was still unconfirmed, the moniker UFO – ‘Unidentified Flying Object’ – could still apply.

This is by no means the only stellar sighting to take place in the country in recent months.

One survey in May this year suggested record numbers of Canadian UFO reports in 2012 – a staggering 1,981.

The figure was almost double 2008’s previous annual record of 1,004 sightings.

In November 2011, a UFO was reportedly seen over an NFL game in St Louis, U.S.