There are 32 Best Ideas for Raising Chickens in Your Backyard

If the idea of raising chickens in the backyard has ever piqued your interest, you will find yourself with plenty of company. This fun hobby provides healthier eggs and meat that taste better than supermarkets provide.

These ideas will help you with the enjoyable, worthwhile pastime of raising chickens yourself.

The benefits of raising chickens are pretty clear. The cost is incredibly low when compared to raising other animals.

They happily dine on table scraps and chicken feed is inexpensive. For this price, you get value from them in the form of eggs and meat. Chickens are low in terms of maintenance.

Simply feed and water them daily and clean the coop out either weekly or biweekly, depending on how many chickens you have. Check for bugs in their feathers every week or so.


They also provide fertilizer and control of pests. When chickens rove about a backyard, they peck at bugs while emptying their bowels on a whim, offering natural fertilizer.

Raising chickens is fun and rewarding. Some breeds are positively cuddly, especially when hand-reared to be that way. Other breeds are more stand-offish but provide more eggs.

Whichever breed you choose, you can enjoy the sight of proud birds pecking about their space, eliminating insects, and preparing to lay your eggs.
































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