Terrifying drone footage shows 20 giant saltwater crocodiles feasting on a cow in a river – before two fishermen risk their lives to save one  that’s bogged in the water

Fishermen have raced to rescue two bogged cows metres away from twenty large crocodiles feasting on a dead carcass.

Grant Meleisea and Trevor Tierney spotted the animals while barramundi fishing in the Ord River at East Kimberley in Western Australia on Friday.

They pulled a cow out of the mud while a bask of crocodiles munched on another one only metres away.

A dead decapitated cow was munched on by large crocodiles at the Ord River at East Kimberley, Western Australia

‘In the late afternoon, we started heading back into camp after fishing all day where we sighted two cows bogged in mud on the bank of the river,’ Mr Meleisea from online fishing channel Stranger Tides told Daily Mail Australia.

‘They were half-submerged in the water and were attempting to get out, however would sink further into the mud and become exhausted.

‘We sighted several crocs in the vicinity and knew the cows were helpless and an easy lunch.’

The pair anchored their boat on to the shore and ran back to the cows armed with tree branches in case crocs attacked them.

The fishermen braved the crocodiles in order to save another heifer which had been bogged

One of the cows pulled herself from the mud while another remained stuck, so the men lassoed a rope around her neck and pulled.

‘The cow was exhausted and was breathing heavily and shaking,’ said Mr Meleisea.

‘When the cow finally got onto solid land, it collapsed from exhaustion.’

Once the cow was safe, the fishermen headed down the river and saw about 20 crocodiles – at least four metres long – around a decapitated dead cow.

‘The cows head was missing with blood flowing into the water,’ he said, adding he then flew a drone over the river to capture footage of the biggest crocodile in the group eating the cow.

The fisherman said he was trying to be ‘croc wise’ but ‘could not leave the cows for dead.’

The young emaciated cow was struggling to escape the mud after getting stuck, probably when she had gone to get some water

The fishermen said they armed themselves with sticks in case the crocodiles came to shore while they saved the cow