Street Comedy: Mama Bear’s Adorable Struggle as She Attempts to Guide Her Four Newborn Cubs to Safety

If you have young kids, you get it…

Right now, I only have a 9-month-old who is starting to roll around all over the place, and I feel like this mama bear sometimes trying to keep her contained.

Now, imagine have quadruplets… yikes.

This mama black bear was trying to get across the road up in Winsted, Connecticut, and was just having the battle of a lifetime trying to get all four of her newborn cubs across the road at the same time.

Watch the video:

When the others would follow, one would stay. When mama would carry one, the others would follow her back. When the next cub got across the street, another would go back the other way… it went on like that for about 15 minutes according to the woman behind the camera:

“First I thought one baby had been struck by car, came back 15 minutes later to realize mama was simply trying to get all four babies to cross the street, together!

I can relate as a mom of four myself!” 


You think parenthood is easier just because you’re a bear? Guess again…

And just wait until a another male shows up to mate next season and these youngsters are still around… male bears have been known to get very aggressive, and sometimes straight up attack cubs when courting their mother.

It’s hard out here for a mama bear…