Stray Dog With Huge Mass Under Her Belly Wandered Streets For Two Years

A small stray dog with a huge mass under her belly is living a happy life now thanks to an accidental sighting. The tiny stray had been wandering the streets for two years in a village before a Good Samaritan snapped a photo.

Ermioni Giannakou, with DAR Animal Rescue in Greece, wrote, “Someone who accidentally saw her on the street felt sorry about her situation and posted a picture of her on the Internet. That is how I got informed.”

Upon seeing the little dog’s photo, Ermioni drove out to the village. She named the dog “Bumble.” “We don’t know much about her past,” Ermioni wrote. “She was a stray in a village and people said that she had that mass under her belly for about two years. Female and she wasn’t neutered!”

Ermioni was taken aback by just how huge the mass under Bumble’s belly was. It took a few hours to convince Bumble that she was there to help, but she eventually earned the dog’s trust. Then, it was off to the vet.

The vet diagnosed the mass as a hernia and thank goodness it did not drag on the ground because if it had it could have torn and Bumble would have lost her life.

Bumble underwent three operations under one surgery but all were successful and she now has a smooth belly!

After a few days, Bumble was released and she already had a family lined up so Ermioni took Bumble directly to her new home. Now she has a big yard, a doggie friend and someone to love and care for her.