Stray and Heartbroken: Dog Found Crying After Heartless Vandals Painted Him Green

Stray dog ‘painted green by cruel thugs’ found heartbroken on roadside

Awful photos show the exhausted and starving pooch – who has since been named Mr Green – on the side of a road


A heartbroken green dog has been found on the side of a road after being “painted green by cruel thugs”.

Awful photos show the exhausted and starving pooch – who has since been named Mr Green – sitting on the side of a road.

He was spotted by chance and taken so to a rescue centre in Subang Bestari in the district of Petaling located in the western Malaysian state of Selangor.

The heartbreaking images were shared on Facebook by Shazreen Othuman where they have been widely circulated.

The stray, also dubbed the Incredible Hulk, has been cleaned up and is doing well according to a local animal centre.


The dog is back to his original healthy white and brown colour and animal rights officers said they were trying to track down the thugs who they believe painted her green.

Mr Othuman posted the shocking pictures on Facebook.

He accompanied the photos with the message: “Such a cute innocent fellow, but why the green? I don’t think he has an owner though.

“Whoever did this must be a mental a**e! Idiotic mentality some humans have!”

But the centre where the pup was cleaned claimed they had been told that he had simply been rolling around in green powder at a local dump, and rejected that it was deliberate.

They said that the green powder that had caused the colour quickly washed off with shampoo, and added that the dog had seemingly not suffered any ill effects.

They had apparently tracked the dog down to a location near the rubbish tip when it was reportedly being fed by local construction workers, who apparently revealed the story about the green powder that the dog had been rolling in.

Whether accidental or deliberate, paints and dyes can be dangerous for animals, possibly causing respiratory problems, nausea, dizziness and skin reactions.