Starved for Profit: Spanish Circus Owners Underfed Lion Cub to Keep Him ‘Small and Cute’ for Profitable Photo Ops

A tiny lion that was deliberately starved by circus workers so he would stay ‘small and cute’ for photographs has been rescued by vets.

Four-month-old Magnus was starved by circus owners and only given liquids so he would stay ‘small and cute’ for photographs. He is pictured above after an operation to have his oesophagus widened so he can eat solid food

Magnus the lion

Veterinary staff were made aware of his horrific treatment after Magnus was taken to an animal sanctuary, who realised his oesophagus had shrunk because he had never eaten proper food.

Animal charity Let’s Adopt agreed to pay for surgery to widen his food pipe.

Magnus can now eat crushed solids, including chicken, and is starting to grow normally with his weight doubling from 11kg to 22kg since the operation on February 13.

Ivan Jimenez, spokesman for the charity, said: ‘The circus regarded the baby lion as an attraction to bring in visitors and they were keen to keep it small for as long as possible.

Magnus the lion

‘We decided to pay for the surgery although we usually only treat cats and dogs.

The malnourished lion, who was born in captivity, should have been started on solid food at least two months ago. He is pictured above before the surgery

Magnus, pictured on the surgery bed, had to undergo several operations to ensure vets were successful

‘It is unlikely he will ever be able to eat huge chunks of meat and his meals will probably always have to be cut up for him to make sure he doesn’t try to swallow chunks that are too large. He certainly would never survive in the wild.’

Although Magnus will never be able to survive in the wild, he seems happy enough recovering at the Hospital Veterinario Valencia Sur in Spain

The little lion can now eat crushed chicken and gnaw on large bones. His weight since the surgery has doubled from 11kg to 22kg