Southpaw fighters: Two lions get into a bloody fight over a lioness

Two lions prove mating can indeed be a wild world when they fight each other over a lioness in Kenya

Two male lions fighting over claim of a lioness in Kenya
Two ferocious lions, who are actually brothers, were captured on camera fighting over a lioness. The startling photographs were taken by French couple Laurent Renaud and Dominique Haution who are seasoned safari photographers in Kanya’s Masai Mara national park


Two male lions fighting over claim of a lioness in Kenya

The 1,500sq km Masai Mara National Reserve is home to 500 lions in over 20 prides – family units that may include up to three males, a dozen or so females, and their young


Two male lions fighting over claim of a lioness in Kenya

Lions within a pride are often affectionate and, when resting, are commonly seen touching each other, head rubbing, licking and purring


Two male lions fighting over claim of a lioness in Kenya

Things often turn nasty when a lion, old enough to leave its own pride, tries to overtake another unit by fighting the male in charge


Two male lions fighting over claim of a lioness in Kenya

According to photographer Dominique Haution, seeing two brothers from the same pride fighting each other, as in this case, ‘is a very rare sighting’


Two male lions fighting over claim of a lioness in Kenya

“We were very lucky to witness it, and both lions unfortunately ended up with serious wounds. But that’s just what happens in the wild and we would never interfere with nature,” says Haution


Two male lions fighting over claim of a lioness in Kenya

Laurent Renaud said: “It was great to be able to take photographs of the lions and with the noise of them fighting, it really was an amazing moment.”


Two male lions fighting over claim of a lioness in Kenya

Out for the count: In such a vulnerable position the losing brother fights back with a right hook…


Two male lions fighting over claim of a lioness in Kenya

Southpaw: …and attempts to follow it up with a left


Two male lions fighting over claim of a lioness in Kenya

Counterpunch: But the opponent finishes off the fight with a bite, Tyson-Holyfield style


A triumphant lion mates with its lioness as a prize after fighting its brother over it

Up to scratch: Just 15 minutes after the lions finished scrapping the triumphant brother went and mated with the lioness


A lion has blood all over its snout after losing a fight with his brother over a lioness

Unlucky in love: Leaving the badly injured loser lonely and devastated