Someone Cut Off This Puppy’s Leg And Threw Him 30 Feet Down Into A LA Canal & His Transformation Is Miraculous

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Hope for Paws got an emergency call, that a dog was spotted in the LA River in desperate need of help.


L.A. On Cloud 9, a non-profit organization that helps get food to homeless people and their pets, was in South Los Angeles, when they spotted a dog in the canal and made the call. They were told that a homeless man strangled the dog and cut off his leg before tossing him, into the basin.

Jordan was clinging to life. (Photo Credit: Hope for Paws)

This little guy had just spent 2 days inside the Los Angeles River, clinging to life on an empty potato chip sack. He had severe mange, bacterial infections, was malnourished, dehydrated and missing a limb.

Rescue basket. (Photo Credit: Hope for Paws)

Hope for Paws co-founder Eldad Hagar used a ladder to get into the basin to retrieve the pup. That is when he discovered the severed leg. The dog was in so much pain that he had to be placed inside a basket and craned out. He was given the name Jordan (as in the River) while being rushed to the Veterinary hospital in critical condition.

Jordan is doing better. (Photo Credit: Hope for Paws)

The Veterinarian said it was a miracle Jordan was still alive. On his third day he was given a bath and blood transfusion. On his fourth day he was finally strong enough for surgery. And a few days after that ready to go to his foster home.

Jording is doing better now. (Photo Credit: Hope for Paws)

2 weeks later he got his stitches taken out, and treats for being brave of course. He continued getting stronger with physical therapy, and emotional support from his furry foster siblings, Frankie and Lola.

Jordan swim therapy. (Photo Credit: Hope for Paws)

By all appearances Jordan is not even aware that he is missing a leg. If he is disabled he doesn’t seem to know it. He loves to swim and run. Jordan’s story is remarkable and inspiring.

Jordan is now looking for a home. (Photo Credit: Hope for Paws)

Best of all we get to report that Jordan the Wonder Dog has been adopted! His new family has created a Facebook Page: Jordan The Wonder Dog for you to follow!

Jordan the Wonder Dog! (Photo Credit: Jordan the Wonder Dog Facebook)

Get familiar with the Humane Society, step-by-step guide for reporting animal abuse. If you see something, SAY SOMETHING!

Jordan’s case has been reported to L.A. Animal Services. If you know of an animal being abused or would like more information FOLLOW THIS LINK.

If you see something, say something! (Photo Credit: Hope for Paws)

If you are unable to care for a dog please do not abandon your animal, reach out to local rescues and if they can’t help, call your local animal services or Humane Society.

Goodnight Jordan! (Photo Credit: Jordan the Wonder Dog Facebook)