Role Reversal: Snake Turns the Tables on Attacking Red-Tailed Hawk

Oh, how the tables have turned.

Red-tailed hawks will eat just about any smaller animal that they can get their talons into. They are a fierce predator that uses their bird’s eye view and speed to its advantage, attacking prey by surprise from above.

They usually perch up or fly high above and open area, using their hawk eyes to zero in on prey. They have vision up to 10-times better than humans and are known to be one of the smartest birds in North America.

Snakes are one of their favorite meals, and if you’ve spent anytime in farm country with high hawk populations, odds are that you have seen one flying away with a snake.

This hawk was just doing what hawks do, hunting for another meal… but the prey he had in mind had much different plans.

After launching an attack on the snake, the snake manages to wrap up the hawk and suddenly, the hunter becomes the hunted.

A couple of men came across the incident and tried to help the hawk out. They got a video of them unraveling the snake from the hawk and trying to pull it off as the hawk is now fighting for its life.

One mans pulls on the snake, which is huge, as it bites on the hawk’s leg not letting go.

The hawk flaps around trying to get free but the snake wants its revenge.

Finally, the snake lets go and the hawk is immediately out of there.

Both the hawk and the snake will live to fight another day.