Resilient Bond: Severely Abused Pit Bull Finds Comfort and Help from an Elderly Woman’s Kindness

A one-year-old pit bull endured unimaginable cruelty at the hands of a heartless human, but she didn’t let it change her sweet demeanor.

Colima was found on the porch of an elderly woman’s home one night begging for help. The woman heard a noise outside and has surprised to find a dog on her porch. The timid dog slowly approached her wagging her tail the entire time.

The woman went inside to retrieve some food for the poor dog, but dropped the bowl in shock when she turned on the porch light.

Colima was severely injured with deep cuts on her face from a machete and several serious lacerations across her back. The woman immediately called 911 for help.

An animal control officer arrived and took the dog to Iberville Parish Animal Shelter after contacting the director for assistance.

The shelter shared with us, “The entire time the dog was handled and transported, she just wagged her tail. Her injuries were serious, and it appeared that her body had been sliced with something sharp. She was immediately seen by the veterinarian where her wounds were cleaned and stitched.”

Colima has fully recovered and is ready to find her forever home. She will be one of the lucky passengers on our Sky-High Birthday Bash Flight to Freedom. She will leave the overcrowded shelter and head to Wisconsin to find a family of her own.

Some of these pets, like Colima, are also in overcrowded shelters which also puts them at risk. We swoop in and rescue them on one of our Flights to Freedom along with our nonprofit partner Greater Good Charities’ Good Flights.

Every month, GreaterGood funds a Flight to Freedom – thanks to your donations. Dogs and cats are taken from overcrowded shelters and flown to shelters with open kennels.

The Animal Rescue Site is celebrating its 21st birthday and our wish is for Colima to find a loving forever home.