Rescuers free elephant calf stuck in ditch then revive it’s mom

It was challenging enough trying to rescue the baby elephant but then mom fell in too.

This baby elephant got stuck.

It was in a muddy ditch and the rain kept on coming, only making matters worse.

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No one knows for sure how the baby fell in but now, it can’t get out.

The baby’s mother tried to do her best to help her baby get out but it was difficult with all the mud and rain.

She stood guard over the pit.

The mama simply refused to leave her baby. Soon, a group of local residents arrived to help the elephant family get out of the ditch.

“Helping those who cannot help themselves just shows your selflessness.. Bless you all for happiness and fortunes to come!” Tessa said.

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A lot of people would have just ignored the elephant and her baby with their problems.

But these people did what they could to help them get out.

It wasn’t just a couple people.

A whole group of people came ready to help. But in order to rescue the baby, they needed the mother to step out of the way, who was getting frantic.

Of course, this isn’t as easy as it sounds since the elephant is heavier than all of them

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And they can’t exactly talk to the elephant with words, right?

They tranquilized the mom so they could rescue the baby but she fell halfway into the hole.

Now, both elephants were stuck.

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Every cloud has a silver lining.

Because the mother fell into the hole, her baby was able to feed from her milk and calmed down.


Having the baby calm also helped make the rescue more manageable.

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Now, how to get the mother out of the hole?

The rescuers were able to bring a crane to the accident site and used it to lift the mother up and onto the ground.

However, with the tranquilizer and the stress, the mother had passed out longer than expected.

The rescuers tried to revive her.

At the same time, the rescuers used an excavator to dig a flat surface so the baby elephant could climb out. The baby rushed to the mother, who was still passed out.

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Because of its sheer size, performing CPR with human hands was not enough. A few of them had to go on top and jump on the elephant to resuscitate her heart.

It worked!

Suddenly, the mother elephant jumped back up and regained consciousness. She was happy to find her baby safely back on solid ground and out of the ditch.

She didn’t even notice the rescuers who helped them run off when she became conscious.

She just got back up and guided her baby back to the forest and to their home.

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Thank you to all the rescuers who sacrificed their time and effort to get the elephant and her baby back to safety.

“Absolutely inspiring. Thank you all for your compassion and empathy. The world needs more heroes like these,” LD Grittman agreed.

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See these selfless locals come together to rescue the elephants in the video below!

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