Rescue Pittie’s Unwavering Love: Always by Baby Brother’s Side, Doting on Him with Affection

Pit bulls have a reputation for being aggressive and dangerous dogs, but that reputation is largely unfounded and unfair. Time and time again, pit bulls have been shown to be sweet and loving dogs and they were even known in the past as “nanny dogs” because of the way they protected and looked after young children.

While the idea of using pitties as nanny dogs dwindled in the past, it seems there’s been a resurgence of the practice as people recognise that not all pit bulls are aggressive.

One sweet pittie who’s showing how great the breed can be around kids is a rescue dog named Storm.

Storm’s owner, Keren Aronoff Masser, shared on Instagram that Storm was put on the kill list but the nonprofit Fur Friends In Need signed up to save her.

The rescue ended up not having a foster lined up for Storm, so Keren offered to keep the dog for a week.

That week ended up turning into forever because Storm quickly became a foster fail for Keren.

When Keren welcomed a tiny baby home, she was pleased to see that Storm adjusted amazingly to being a big sister.

Back in 2020, Keren wrote on Instagram, “Storm’s absolute favorite thing is being a part of a family. She is the most doting big sister (sometimes to a fault). She always tries to help (even if she’s not really helping), she’s patient and so gentle (usually). We’re pretty sure she thinks he’s her baby most of the time.”

Over the past three years, their relationship has blossomed into something truly beautiful.

Storm constantly dotted over the tiny baby and watched as he grew into a toddler. She mothered him, played with him, and protected him to the best of per ability.

Keren’s employer, The Dodo, shared a sweet compilation video of Storm and her baby brother together over the years and it’s too cute!

Check out the video below: