Puppy Goes To Salon And ‘Gets His Hair Done’ With Mom. The video goes viral.

“He is such a good boy!”

Brittany Taylor was getting her hair done at Gibson Hair & Makeup in Charleston, South Carolina, and couldn’t resist telling her stylist Michelle Atwood all about her new puppy, Luka. From the moment he joined his family the little puppy has been a constant source of joy, and it’s been hard not to constantly share stories about his cuteness.

“We have two other dogs and Luka has been the funniest, loudest and silliest puppy yet,” Taylor told The Dodo. “When we come home after being gone for a while he squeals like a little piggy and makes us squeeze him for about five minutes and then he calms down. He’s extremely playful and loves to cuddle near your face.”

After hearing all about him, Atwood knew she had to meet little Luka, so she insisted that Taylor bring him along next time. She agreed, of course, and on her next salon visit, Luka tagged along, much to the delight of every single person getting their hair done that day.

At first, Luka was a little impatient as he watched his mom get her hair done — but after a while he settled in, and everyone loved hanging out with him and giving him lots of attention while he waited.

“He was a little hyper when he first got to the salon, but after about an hour he calmed down and fell asleep for about 45 minutes,” Taylor said. “Everyone in the salon loved having Luka there! Many helped babysit since I was getting my hair done and he got lots of pets and cuddles. He is such a good boy!”

Once Taylor was finally with her own hair, she and Atwood had the best idea — they decided to let Luka take a turn in the chair too! Since Luka was already looking pretty cute, they only pretended to cut his hair, but everyone loved watching the puppy put on a cape and pose in the chair, and Luka himself seemed to enjoy all the attention too.

“I think he did so well because he was still a little sleepy,” Taylor said. ”He was very curious when it was happening and acted like a good boy!”

Eventually it was time to go, and Luka and his mom headed on their way — but there’s no doubt that Luka is welcome and encouraged to come back to the salon anytime.