Parisian Night Sky Mystery: Fiery Red Orb Zigzags Before Vanishing, Leaving UFO Spotters Baffled by Mysterious Celestial Phenomenon

A couple were taken by surprise when they spotted a bright red orb in the skies above Paris.

Having just left their vehicle, the pair looked up to see the red light hovering in the sky.

One of them was quick enough to take their camera out and zoom in to the unidentified flying object.

This was the strange red light in the sky that one couple captured on camera above Paris

What the UFO? The red orb was way above streetlight level in the French capital city

This quickly discounts any notion it could be a red traffic light, or other flying beacon.

No sooner has the lens honed in to the strange red light, it then disappears from sight.

The footage has since been shared on the ‘Best UFO Sightings’ YouTube page that aims to show the world ‘UFO sightings channel and conspiracies’.

The person filming zooms in to discount any idea that it could be a ‘traffic light’

The footage has since been shared on the ‘Best UFO Sightings’ YouTube page that aims to show the world ‘UFO sightings channel and conspiracies

Don’t blink: The mysterious red orb then disappears from sight, almost as though it knew it had been spotted

Last week MailOnline reported how Russians were left baffled by a luminous ‘UFO’ that was spotted moving across the sky.

The bizarre ball of bright light was spotted gliding low over a Siberian field.

A woman at the scene can be heard saying: ‘Horror, hide away from it,’ while another asks nervously: ‘What is it there?’


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