Old Sad Dog Gets Adopted And Turns Into The Happiest Pup Ever

When this sweet senior dog named Holden was seized by the police, he was taken to a kill shelter. His owner said he was “old as dirt” and things didn’t look promising for the poor dog.

At the shelter, Holden became very sad and defeated. He was also in poor health. His sad situation caught the attention of Melissa from the rescue Releash Atlanta who decided to rescue him.

She took him to a vet to determine what his health status was. The vet discovered that he had a 7-pound tumor attached to his spleen. The tumor was so large that Holden could barely breathe.

Holden was so sick and emaciated that the vet wasn’t sure if he could survive the surgery. But they had little choice, so they decided to remove the tumor and his spleen and hope for the best.

Amazingly, the surgery went fantastically, and Holden was soon on the road to recovery. Then they got even better news, the tumor was benign.

Melissa, who had fostered over 500 dogs, could also foster Holden. So, she took him home where he got to meet his 15 new doggy friends. Holden loved the other dogs and his foster home.

Holden fit right in and soon the search was on for a new forever home. He caught the attention of Carol, who also had another lab at home and wanted to adopt him.

Carol and Holden hit it right off and he couldn’t stop cuddling with his new mom and wagging his tail. His new mom didn’t want to leave him but promised him he’d be happy with her, and she would be back to officially adopt him.

Soon, his adoption day came. After the paperwork was signed, he was soon on the road to meet his new brother, Elway. Elway was waiting at the door to welcome Holden to his new home. Holden was a little nervous at first but soon made himself at home on his new brother’s bed and it was clear he was home.

Holden found the perfect forever home complete with a family that loved him. Despite his rough past, he will live out the rest of his days being loved and adored; there is nothing better.

We hope you enjoyed his sweet rescue story. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.