Nature’s Comedy: Male Lion’s Hunting Mishap Highlights Female Prowess in a Hilarious Twist!

This is the moment a bumbling lion proves why it’s lionesses that do the hunting.


A stealthy lioness is stalking her prey on the banks of the Crocodile River, opposite Marloth Park in South Africa.

As she goes in for the kill on an impala she is thwarted by a rookie lion who gets in her way and slows her down so the impala runs free.


The footage was filmed by Peter Craig-Cooper who told the story to Latest Sightings.

He said: ‘A pride of lion was frequenting an area of the Crocodile River in the Kruger National Park, opposite Marloth Park.

‘So we were always on the lookout for them.

‘There was one day, when we found the lions on the riverbank and spotted a herd of impala nearby!

‘We watched as the unsuspecting herd of impala headed towards the river, right near the lions.

A stealthy lioness is stalks her prey on the banks of the Crocodile River, opposite Marloth Park in South Africa before being intercepted by a bumbling lion

The two creatures collide causing the lioness to slow down and letting the impala escape

‘As the herd of impala finally crept close enough for an ambush by the lions, a female started stalking them.

‘Her head can be seen in the grass at the start of the video.

‘The male then decided to help out in the catch, rookie mistake!

‘All of a sudden pandemonium broke.

‘The male chasing from the top and the female from the bottom of the bank.

‘The two lions collided as the impala made its escape.

‘As the watch the herd of impala run to freedom, they look bewildered by their botched attempt at the hunt that they put in so much energy to attempting.